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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Char Kuey Teow Penang

 Bahan-bahan ( 2 org )

  • * UTK PASTE *
  • 200 gm udang
  • 250ml air
  • 4 ulas bawang putih di ketuk
  • 6 sb sos tiram
  • 3 sk kicap pekat
  • 3 sb kicap manis
  • 1 sk petis
  • 2 sb pati ikan bilis / pati udang
  • 2 sk garam (kalau sos tiram masin kurangkan 1sk)
  • 1 sk gula
  • * UTK MEE *
  • 300 gm kuey teow
  • 1 sb cili boh
  • kerang
  • sedikit kucai & taugeh
  • 2 biji telur


  1. UTK PASTE- Rebus udang dgn air. Bila udang hampir masak, angkat udang dan ditoskan airnya. Air rebusan jgn buang....
  2. Campurkan semua bahan utk paste dgn air rebusan udang tadi, reneh hingga menjadi paste yg agak pekat. Matikan api biarkan paste sejuk dan bolehlah simpan dlm fridge.
  3. UTK MEE- Tumis lada boh hingga garing. Masukkan dlm 4sb paste td. Masukkan udang yg telah direbus td n kerang. Biasanya penang char kuey teow agak berkuah so letak sikit air dlm 1/2 cwn.
  4. Air didih masukkan kuey teow, kucai, taugeh n kacau rata. Pecahkan telur, kacau dan bolehlah diangkat. Proses memasak kuey teow ni dlm 3-4 min sj, pastikan api kuat semasa memasak.
  5. **Paste ni selalu depa guna tuk meniaga so udang yg direbus mmg depa pakai. Tapi utk kegunaan sendiri kalau tak nak rebus ngan udang pun boleh tp petis kena tambah lg, jd 1sb. Paste ni juga sepatutnya sudah cukup masin dan manisnya so tak perlu letak lg garam n gula masa masak buat kuey teow tp kalau rasa cam tawar leh adjust eh......

Mee Kolok Sarawak



Bahan-bahan ( 1 org )

  • 1 gulung mee kering (mee sanggul/yee mee)
  • 3 ulas bawang putih (mayang)
  • 2 sudu besar minyak
  • 2 sudu besar sos tiram
  • 2 sudu besar kicap pekat
  • 2 sudu besar kicap cair
  • 4 helai daun sawi (potong 1 inci)
  • 1/2 cawan daging / ayam rebus (rebus dgn 1 ketul kiub ayam maggi)
  • 3 cawan air rebusan daging/ ayam
  • 1/2 labu bawang besar (potong berbaji halus)
  • Garam , gula, lada sulah dan ajinomoto secukup rasa
  • HIASAN - Daun bawang dan bawang goreng secukupnya


  1. Panaskan minyak.Tumis bawang putih hingga naik bau.Masukkan bawang besar.Kacau seketika hingga layu.Masukkan sos tiram, kicap pekat, kicap cair dan air rebusan daging/ayam.
  2. Masukkan mee.Biarkan sedikit lembut.Masukkan garam, gula dan ajinomoto secukup rasa.Kacau seketika.Masukkan sawi, daging/ayam rebus (yang telah dipotong nipis).Masak hingga mee lembut sedikit dan sawi layu.
  3. Angkat dan hidang segera.Hiaskan dengan daun bawang dan bawang goreng. Tambahkan lada sulah jika suka.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Delicious Cendol Recipe

A popular Malaysian dessert in which strands of green "cendol" are served in a cold mixture of coconut milk, brown syrup made from the local gula melaka, and shaved ice.


  • 150g green pea flour (Lek Tau Hoon)

  • 20 pieces pandan leaves, cut into 5cm lengths

  • 1 tbsp alkaline water (lye water or kan sui) Method
    Liquidise the cut pandan leaves with 570ml water. Strain juice through a fine sieve and add in lye water.

  • Soak green pea flour in 290ml water for at least an hour. Add in pandan water mixture. Cook mixture in a heavy-based saucepan, stirring all the time until it thickens, turns shiny and begins to boil. Do not overcook, as it would be difficult to press through the wooden cendol-making frame.

    Press dough through the cendol-maker with quick short strokes (keeping dough warm all the time) into a basin of ice water, approximately six inches (15cm) away from the surface of the water or the cendol would become too long. Leave the cendol pieces to harden for 10 minutes before rinsing several times to prevent them from sticking to each other.

    Squeeze two big coconuts with two litres boiled, cooled water to get enough santan. Add 1/2 tbsp salt and chill in the fridge. Serve cendol with the santan and gula melaka syrup.

  • Mamak Mee Goreng (Mee Goreng Mamak)

    It’s been a busy week and I haven’t had much time to cook. However, food is food; you have to satiate your hunger regardless of how busy you are. I wanted to prepare something not overly complicated yet different tonight so I cooked up this nice serving of Indian Mee Goreng.
    Indian Mee Goreng / Indian Fried Noodles
    Sour, spicy, sweet, and tangy come through in this dish. I loved the fried bean curd, potato, and squid (a substitute for baby octopus or cuttlefish). Indian Mee Goreng is darn delicious.
    Recipe: Mee Goreng
    Cooking Oil
    2 cloves garlic (chopped)
    3 tablespoons of chili paste or to taste (recipe below)
    1 lb of Yellow Noodles (rinsed)
    3 pieces of dried bean curds (cut into pieces)
    1 potato (boiled, peeled, and sliced)
    2 eggs
    4 squids (cleaned and cut into rings)
    A handful of bean sprouts
    1 stalk of spring onion (cut into small pieces for garnishing purposes)
    2 red chilies (sliced for garnishing purposes)
    1 lime (cut into wedges)
    2 tablespoon of soy sauce
    2 tablespoon of dark soy sauce or kecap manis
    3 tablespoon of tomato ketchup
    Sugar and salt to taste
    Chili Paste:
    Blend 10 dried red chilies in a food processor. Add some water and some oil to blend well. Heat the wok and “tumis” (stir fry) the paste until the oil separates from paste. Set aside.
    Heat the wok and pour in the cooking oil. Add garlic, 3 tablespoons of chili paste, sliced potatoes, bean curb pieces, and squids. Stir fry until fragrant. Add yellow noodles and sauces and continue stirring. Set the noodles to the side of the wok.
    Add some cooking oil and then crack the eggs. Scramble the eggs and mix in with the noodles. Add in the beansprouts and quick stir for another 1 minute. Serve hot and garnish with chopped spring onions and sliced red chilies. Squeeze some lime juice over the noodles before eating.
    Note: Indian Mee Goreng is Malaysian dish. Created by Mamak (Indian-Muslim in Malaysia), it cannot be found in India.

    Nasi Tomato Simple

    Bahan-bahan ( 4~5org )

    * 4cwn beras(dibersih dan ditoskn)
    * 190g minyak sapi(kalau darurat boleh guna marjerin)
    * 2 kuntum bunga cengkih
    * 1/2 kuntum bunga lawang
    * 3 biji buah pelaga
    * 5 cm kulit kayu manis
    * 1 biji bawang besar dicincang
    * 160g tomato puree (dlm tin)
    * 1.8 leter air rebusan yang cair (bole juga nk guna kiub pati ayam)
    * daun saderi yang telah dicincang dan bawang merah (optional)
    * bhn dikisar: 2 ulas bawang putih, 3 ulas bawang merah dan 1 hiris halia


    1. Cairkan minyak sapi diatas api yang sederhana dan tumiskan rempah-rempah selama 1-2 minit.
    2. Masukkan bahan tumbuk dan teruskan menggoreng hingga masak. Masukkan bawang besar dan goreng hingga layu.
    3. Kecilkan api dan tuangkan puri tomato.Biarkan mendidih perlahan-lahan dan masukkan beras.Kacau rata-rata selama 1-2 minit.
    4. Masukkan air rebusan dan garam secukup rasa.Biarkan cecair meresap ke dlm beras sebentar.
    5. Kecilkan api, tanak nasi itu dengan bertutup hingga masak, masukkan daun saderi dan bwg goreng.